BIBLICAL GENEROSITY RESOUrCES TO transform lives everywhere
Brian Kluth's FREE Resources for Christians, Churches, Ministries & Businesses
Brian Kluth's FREE Resources for Christians, Churches, Ministries & Businesses
Brian Kluth is the course instructor and national spokesperson for the program and movement in the USA
This teaching slide is available in a seminar booklet in English and 2 Ugandan languages (Luganda and Runyankore-Rukiga)
This teaching slide is available in a seminar booklet in English and 2 Ugandan languages (Luganda and Runyankore-Rukiga)
These 2 teaching slides and sermons are available in a seminar booklet in English and 2 Ugandan languages (Luganda and Runyankore-Rukiga)
This message includes Brian's personal testimony of when, why and how he became a born-again Christian.
CLICK HERE for FREE ACCESS to all of the online materials listed below
Would you like to book Brian to speak for your conference, event, church or retreat? Send Brian a message with the dates and details and he will get back to you soon.
Biblical Generosity Resources to Transform Lives Everywhere
34 Lookout Mountain Circle, Golden, Colorado 80401, United States